Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Why Momster?

Let me first begin by stating that no, I don't really believe that I'm a MONster. MOMster is quite different however. What is a momster you may ask? Let me elaborate by beginning with a story. On my son's birthday last year (his 10th), I took him and his buddies to Laser Quest to play some laser tag. While there, you had to register a code name so you could have a laser gun keep track of your points. All the kids were having fun coming up with their names. There were names like...The Shadow, Mighty Man, 007, and Minnie Me. I began to think...it had to be a cool name. I didn't want to embarrass my newly elevated-in-age-and-status son. It couldn't be corney or cutsie. Something ominous would do, yet not too dark. Hmmmm. I had it. Momster. I wasn't afraid. "You can call me, The Momster" I said with a gleam in my eye. "Cool!" the guy at the counter replied. That's all it took. From then on, I'm always "The Momster". The boys thought that was definitely apropriate as well as "cool." I did it. I didn't embarrass the double didget guy, and I kept myself from being a total dork. OK, I wasn't really worried about that, but he was!

So now that the origin of the name has been established, let me tell you what I think it means. To me, a momster is a mother who likes to have fun. She likes to play with her kids, to be silly and also serious. She's not afraid to show her insecurities to her family, but also knows when to put on the mother hat and make sure the kids know where the line is drawn in the sand. It is a fine line to be sure, but it has to be there. A momster is fully in love with her family. The needs of the children come second only to her husband and herself. I say "herself" not to imply selfishness, but to remind us that...if mom doesn't take care, nobody else gets cared for either!
She provides for her family in many ways. She cares for the kids, the husband, her friends and extended family. She makes time for God (even though He often gets less time than anyone!) Her priorities are often jumbled, but she does the best she can. She's not perfect. For the Momster often blows her temper and roars at the dumbest of situations. But once she regains her human form, she (hopefully) apologizes and begins again the duties of mom-ness. She often fails due to her lack of discipline and faith, but she remembers where her strength lies. So she reaches to her God for grace and He renews her resolve to continue the quest. The quest to be the best mom she can.

So I think that a little momster resides in all of us. Whether we are super-moms who work in and outside the home, stay at home only, or care for other people's children, it doesn't matter. We all love those people close to us, and would do anything for them. Even if it means sacrificing some of that precious scrapbooking time, to go play a few rounds of laser tag with your boy and his friends. You GO Momsters!


TwinLawyerMommy said...

Hi! Welcome to the world of blog. Glad you're here! That pic is HILARIOUS! I loved your first post, too. Hope you guys are well! Love ya!

cathy said...

Lee Ann,

Great job! You had great stuff to say, and it was written well. Good for you! I too have read THE SHACK! Great read, huh?
Love you,

Aunt Cathy

Lee Ann said...

Thanks Aunt Cathy. Yes, The Shack is one of those life-changing books if you let it be. It really challenges our perceptions of God, and how He sees us as well. Very interesting, but tough.

Lee Ann

Ron G said...

I am so glad you have this place to share your thoughts. Maybe we can communicate better by your sharing here.